Nursing home

Missing Republican Congresswoman secretly living in dementia care home

Police swarm Colonial Heights nursing home, arrest employees after patient death

A dozen nursing home workers arrested in Virginia appear in court

Texas Rep. Kay Granger found living in nursing home after missing six months of key House votes

Life In A Nursing Home | Talking Point | CNA Insider

#1 Reason SENIORS End up in Nursing Homes (and what to do about it)

What Life Is Like In A Nursing Home

What happens when a nursing home and a day care center share a roof?

Nursing home hidden camera investigation: Understaffed and overworked

Judge calls Virginia nursing home death case 'gut-wrenching' and 'horrendous'

Investigation into alleged abuse at Texas City nursing home

18 staff members arrested at Virginia nursing home. This isn’t the first time VDH investigated.

The Deadly Monetization of Nursing Homes

U.S. nursing homes grapple with staffing shortages and requirements

What a Japanese Nursing Home is Like

Nursing Home Prices and how to Pay Them


Residents & staff fun games in Nursing Home!

Why new federal staffing requirements for nursing homes could be difficult to meet

Aged care workers reveal what it’s really like inside nursing homes | Four Corners

How to Avoid Paying for an Elderly Parent's Nursing Home Bill

United States: Oversedation in Nursing Homes

Police swarm Colonial Heights nursing home. People placed in handcuffs.

9 Reasons NOT To Protect Assets From Nursing Home